November 1, 2023
Dear Praying Friends,
As I sit down to write this prayer and update letter there are a few thoughts that permeate my mind.
The first is that fact that God has given us in His Word all things that pertain unto life and godliness.
Another related thought is that everywhere we go there are people that are hurting because of the
unbelievable wickedness that is in this world. It is our responsibility to be able to adequately handle the
Word of God and show hurting people how they can apply the principles of God’s Word to have victory.
The Ladies’ Retreat was an outstanding time of fun and fellowship. Although there were many physical
issues which included two trips to the emergency room, several broken bones in the feet of one lady, a
fractured foot for another lady, and chest pains for another lady (after some tests, they determined that
it was not a heart attack). No, the games were not violent. They were all very innocent activities. You
would think that stepping into a shower would be relatively safe, but that was the cause of one
accident. I don’t think I will advertise all these details in next year’s promotional brochure. When Pat
came home, we chatted about all the women with significant emotional, spiritual, and physical issues.
Her heart was burdened to reach out and help these ladies to use the tools of God’s Word. When I put
the sessions on our website so ladies could listen to the messages, the session entitled “Bitterness and
Forgiveness” was played significantly more than any of the other sessions. It was just another indication
to us that many people have been hurt and need the principles of God’s Word to have victory.
Throughout the month it seemed we kept meeting people with needs and our hearts are burdened.
Now that our variance has been approved things are moving much faster and it seems we have almost
daily communication with the architect, project manager, water company, or contractors.
Now for some prayer requests.
1. The fire suppression company came and did a “flow test” to make sure that our newly approved
fire suppression system will work with the public water supply. When they were here doing the
test, it seemed like it would be sufficient, but they now need to do all the calculations. They will
not know for sure until all the calculations are finished. I do not want to be guilty of praying for
the “Jericho” (major) request and forget to pray for the “Ai” (small) request of this system.
2. Lord willing, we are planning to start digging in April, but it seems there are a host of little issues
to be resolved before we can start. Pray for God to orchestrate the details.
3. As we are gaining a little more clarity concerning the project, we are a bit concerned that this
first phase (putting the building under roof) may cost more than originally estimated. Pray with
us that God would provide the finances in His perfect time.
4. There are many young people that made major decisions at camp, and they need prayer support
to remain faithful to our great God.
5. Next week we are scheduled to make out first staff recruitment trip for the 2024 summer camp
season. The right staff is vitally important to a good summer. Pray with us.
Thank you for your financial, prayer, and moral support. You are a blessing to us!