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KILMER’S KORNER November / December 2023
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye 
know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
30 Years among the Zulus!
Dear Friends, 
 In September of 1993 we arrived in South Africa to start working among the Zulu people. 
Thousands upon thousands have heard the gospel. Hundreds have been saved. Churches have been 
started and many have been discipled, taught and trained. 
 Some of you have been helping us from the beginning. Others have joined in along the way. We 
want to thank each of you who have helped in prayer and in funds given. Only God knows the full 
impact of the efforts we have made over the years with His help. 
 From time to time we meet folks that we haven’t seen for many years, who thank us for the input 
we had in their lives. Sometimes we meet 
someone who got saved after moving to another 
area and they thank us for laying a foundation for 
the Lord’s work in convicting them of sin and 
drawing them to salvation. 
 While working at our church land, where we 
are busy putting up retaining walls to keep the 
steep hillside from caving in on a church building 
we plan to build in the near future, I often get to 
talk to neighbors about the Lord. Yesterday I got 
with chat to Mr. M who was passing by. He 
attends a church that blends Christianity with 
ancestor worship. He was quite open to hearing
that Jesus is the only way and no one else can 
bring us to God (John 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5). 
 Today, while getting building material at the 
hardware store, I had a good chat with Mr. B about the gospel. He seemed to understand that Jesus is 
the only way of salvation. At another hardware store a Muslim man accepted a gospel tract and said he 
had no problem reading something from the Bible. 
 In our last letter we were in the States for 5 weeks and about ready to return to South Africa. Our 
return flights went well. We were able to make a 3 day stop over in Israel and see things that were 
helpful for the course I taught this past semester on Bible places and customs. 
 When we returned, we hit the ground running. To be honest, that’s how we live life – on the go 
for the Lord. Of course, we had our normal ministries of Church services, youth meetings, prayer and 
Bible study meetings, discipleship, visitation, school preaching meetings, outreach and open air 
preaching. There were also 3 weeks of teaching to do at the Bible Institute to finish up our courses for 
the year. Then there is the ongoing work at the church land that needs my attention at times. 
 Praise: 1) For the Lord’s sustaining strength these last 30 years! 2) For safety in our travels and 
the blessing of visiting Israel. We left one week before the war with Gaza broke out. 
 Prayer: 1) For Holy Spirit conviction in those who hear the gospel, including: Mr M, Freedom, 
MacDonald, Life and Skin (yes, it is an unusual name, but his name by translation is Skin). 2) For the 
Lord to raise up workers among the Zulu people. 3) For Karen as she has rotator cuff surgery on her 
shoulder on Thursday. 4) Please pray for us at 11:11, as well as at your regular prayer times. 
 May God’s grace keep you strong for Him! Yithina (It is us), Uncle Don & Auntie Karen