Terry was saved at the age of 12 during a week of summer camp. Unfortunately, he was not discipled and lived for himself until the age of 30 when he got right with the Lord and was baptized. He had been working in construction since the age of 16 and by 2013 he wanted to use his talents and abilities for the Lord full time. In 2014, after meeting with our pastor and spending much time in prayer, Finish Ministries was "born". Our ministry exists to help small churches and missionaries by helping with building projects mainly, but we also offer assistance with teaching children's classes, special music, camp help, wherever we can be used...
Wendy was saved at the age of 20 after spending an evening talking about hell with Terry & his mother. She was later baptized in a pond outside Hanover, PA. Our theme verse is II Timothy 4:7 and our desire is to spend the rest of our lives serving the Lord in whatever way brings Him glory.