


7/14/2024-Evening Worship

Sermon 6: Facing Our Fears

Text: Various

Theme: Facing the fear that God’s answer to your prayer is not what you were expecting.

I want to say, that to talk about APPARENT unanswered prayer I can talk about it in mere theological terms – which may bring information, but not much comfort

Fear of “unanswered” prayers or the fear that the Lord will answer in a way different than what we asked for

Examples when God says “No” was better than what was requested

Zachariah and Elizabeth – sometimes what seems like “No” to us is actually “Wait a minute” (Luke 1:13, 14)

Abraham’s prayer for Ishmael (Gen 17:18-21)

Paul’s infirmity (2 Cor 12:5-10)

Key passages: Matthew 7:7-11; James 1:17

Don’t limit God’s goodness to just giving you what you ask for

Learn to rejoice in God’s good gifts

Learn to praise and trust in God’s answers as being what is best