


9/1/2024-Sunday School

Lesson 2 Manipulation Exposed

Text: James

Theme: Desires are heart issues, but what is at the heart of our desires?

James is maybe the most helpful writer when considering this subject

Someone has said, “James is Christianity in bib-overalls”. Meaning this Epistle is very practical for Christian living.

Key verses in James: 1:13-17; 3:13-17; 4:1, 2, 11, 12

? What do you do if you have someone else in your life whose desires are now manipulating you?

1. Are they a Christian? Your number one goal should be to show them Christ

That doesn’t mean that you have to bow to their manipulation, but do so w/ Christ-likeness

2. If they are a Christian then use biblical principles found in verses such as Gal 6:1; Luke 17:1-4 and appeal to their soul and spirit. Your goals (among several) are to show the love of Christ and glorify God

3. Recognize you can’t change anyone, but God can change everyone (2 Timothy 2:24-26)

WARNING: When your desire is for someone else to be more sinless it isn’t biblical to make them promise that they will never do it again

Our desires in part describe who we are

I desire

I want…

I demand

I must have…

I decide/determine

You have offended me…

You have wronged me…

I destruct/destroy

You are going to pay…

Let’s look at those who had desires that were not sinful, but tried to manipulate the situation because those non-sinful desires became sinful demands

At any point you can decide to change the direction of your thinking and actions

Before your desire becomes a demand

Before your demand becomes a decision

Before your decision to destroy is acted upon