
Ephesians 4:1-3


3/9/2025-Morning Worship

Series: 2025 Family Fundamentals

Text: Ephesians 4:1-3

Theme: Our Christian homes need godly character.


I. Your goals as a Christian family member (vv. 1, 3)

Vertical (my relationship w/ God) – To glorify God

This becomes a bullet point. So what you are about to do, you are to do whether the rest of your family does or not… YOUR GOAL ISN’T TO CHANGE EVERYONE ELSE; YOUR GOAL IS TO GLORIFY GOD EVEN IF NO ONE ELSE CHANGES!!!

Horizontal (my relationship w/ family) – to strive to have peaceful relationships


II. Your godly character traits as a Christian family member (v. 2)

1. These characteristics go together

2. These characteristics build – can’t be longsuffering…

Lowliness – low opinion of one’s self, mindset

Meekness – gentleness, mildness – relates to how we receive injuries

Longsuffering – being patient with the faults of others

Forbearing – to hold one’s self upright, endure lovingly