10/13/2024-Sunday School
Lesson 1: The Jews and their Messiah
Preach as never sure to preach again, as a dying man to dying men.

Do I love to preach or do I love the people?

Text: Various
Theme: A biblical understand of God’s people – the nation of Israel.
Israel – a country
Jews – a people
Judaism – a religion
Judaizers – those that practice Judaism mixed w/ grace (Acts 15:8, 9)
What’s in a name?
Hebrews – to cross over (34x OT) – started w/ Abram
Gen 14:13; 39:14, 17; Ex 3:15, 18; Jonah 1:9

Children of Israel (630x) – also known today as the nation of Israel
Gen 32:28, 32; 46:8

Jew(s) (92x) – born to a Jewish mother
Judges 15:10; Esther 2:5; 3:6, 8
This word has an interesting history
It first represented the children of Judah (David & Jesus)
Only later did it refer to all the people of Israel
Biblically it isn’t used until near the end of the Old Testament chronologically