
1 Thessalonians 5:19-20

Often the Epistles give instruction to help us in various relationships

Ephesians, 1 Peter and 1 Thessalonians all discuss relationships


? What is your spirit towards your heavenly Father? (vv. 16-18)



I. You should not extinguish the fire of the working of the Spirit (v. 19)


The Spirit / Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost are symbolic to the work of God in the NT. In fact, without the Holy Spirit there is no work of God

These were Christians now living in an age where the major influence is the Holy Spirit



? How do you quench the Spirit?

1. You resist the Spirit – Acts 7:51

3. You grieve the Spirit – Eph. 4:30

4. You limit God – Ps. 78:41

Refusal to obey God’s Word (Sword of the Spirit)

Refusal to listen/respond to God’s Word



II. You should not make void the working of God through preaching (v. 20)



Verses we should consider: 2 Thess 2:1-3; 1 Thess 5:1, 2



? Why is it that Christians are so quickly swayed from the truth?